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  • Registrant : 三島市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/21
  • Published : 2023/09/21
  • Changed :2023/09/21
  • Total View : 794 persons
2023/11/23 / 三島市 / Food / Restaurant

Mishima Food Festival 2023

"Mishima's delicious food" will be gathered at a gourmet event in autumn. This year's food festival will be held at 8 venues in the city, with booths selling local delicacies and goods, as well as several contents and other activities for everyone to participate in. Please look forward to it !.

"Mishima's delicious food" will be gathered at a gourmet event in autumn. This year's food festival will be held at 8 venues in the city, with booths selling local delicacies and goods, as well as several contents and other activities for everyone to participate in. Please look forward to it !.

Address 三島市
Date 2023/11/23
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Vivinavi - Events

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